Detailed Synopsis:
We all know that Fasting is commonly understood as a method of ‘abstaining from all kinds of food or drink, but the true purpose of fasting is primarily a mode of improving one’s spirituality and being more compassionate. During this show we shall explore this further and hear seven poems on different aspects of Ramadan.

The first poem on Ramadan is read very confidently by the talented 7 year old Master Fareed Ahmad from South West London. The second poem comes from sister Sidra-Tul Muntaha from across the pond in Canada with her inspiring poem titled: The Friend’. The third poem brings us closer to home again and sent in from Mitcham in London by the echoing words of the superb poet Salim Rahim. And this is then followed by another poem from London with a south westerly breeze which was inspired by the Holy Quran and is titled ‘Light Upon Light’, by the very talented sister Rizwana Aziz. The fifth poem titled ’Fasting and Ramadan’ is from the delightful Faheem Nasir, which is then followed by a poem by the acclaimed poet Joseph Mc Taggart about feeding the poor. And this brings us very nicely to our final poem about Ramadan and the celebration of Eid-Ul-Fitr by the marvelous sister Emma Ahmad from Leicester. Sit back and enjoy!


Haider Hameed


Haider Hameed - Presenter
Master Fareed Ahmad
Sister Sidra-Tul-Muntaha
Salim Rahim
Sister Rizwana Aziz
Sister Faheem Nasir
Joseph McTaggart
Emma Ahmed

Headings of the topics to be covered:

1 Ramadan
2 Fasting
3 Eid Ul Fitr
4 Purification