
Haider Hameed

Headings of the topics to be covered:

Our Khalifa

Detailed synopsis:

This is the second part of the two-part show on the theme ‘Our Khalifa' and during this show we shall be hearing seven inspiring and beautifully crafted poems that has been sent in by our listeners.
First of all we shall hear the wonderful words from sister ShamamaTul-Umber with her fantastic poetical number full of words of delight titled ‘Our Khalifa, the divine light’.

The second poem contains words soaring very high from the acclaimed Scottish poet Joseph McTaggart.
Then next we have the excellent sister Shaara Mufti from Norbury with her poem titled ‘Our Khalifa’ sharing words so heavy in meaning.

Followed by the very gifted poet sister Shaukat Bhatti, a talented star from Leamington Spa, with her beautiful poetical words.

And then the enchanting poem from the very talented sister Ussma Sharina with her poem titled: Our Khalifa,