Join Safeer Zartasht and Zakariya Sheikh for Tuesday's show where we will be discussing: Wildfires/Elderly

Wildfires- harsh reality of climate change
Wildfires are becoming more severe, mainly due to warming trends in the global climate which make peak wildfire seasons hotter and melt snowpacks earlier.

What needs to be done to reverse these devastating changes?

As society progresses, are we leaving behind our elders?
Join us as we discuss the need to recognise and respect older people, instead of seeing them as a burden deserved of neglect or loneliness.

Guests include:

K. C. Deepika: (Deputy City Editor, The Hindu, Bengaluru)

Pat Thane: (Visiting Professor in History)

Produced by: Amtul Noor Tayyaba, Rabeeta Khan and Hania Mubarik