Topic: discussing: Famine and Materialism

Tahir Khalid
Talib Man

Right now, people in countries including South Sudan, Ethiopia, Afghanistan and Burkina Faso are facing the very real threat of famine. The world needs to open its eyes to this unfolding humanitarian disaster.

Join us live from 4-5pm as we ask if the world is producing enough food to feed everyone then why people are dying due to hunger.


After the spending spree of Black Friday are we satisfied with what we have or is the need to want more always present?

Guests include:

Jane Howard (Head of communications at World Food Program UK)

Alexandra Rutishauser Perera (Head of Nutrition at Action Against Hunger UK)

Mohammad Noman (Head of UK Services and managing food banks at Humanity First)

Produced by:

Naveeda Gondal, Sana Nadeem and Dr Basma Ikram