Join Safeer Zartasht Khan and Rabeeb Mirza for Tuesday's show where we will be discussing: Homelessness / Social Media


Homelessness is a rising issue in our modern world.

Join us LIVE from 4 pm as we discuss why homelessness has affected so many lives and how we can tackle this issue to help change lives.

Social Media

Social media has given rise to a new breed of celebrities whose purpose of online existence is to "influence" the choices of those who follow them online. But why do we follow them?

Join us live from 5pm as we discuss if we are being "influenced" towards useless and vain pursuits.

Guests include:

Billy Harding: (policy and research officer for centre point)

Nida Mansoor: (Lawyer)

Simon Grainge: (Cheif Executive of Emmaus charity)

Ruth Simmonds: (Project Co-Ordinator at the Mental Health Foundation)

Johnathan Glazzard: (Professor of Inclusive Education at Leeds Beckett University)

Professor Carolyn Mair PhD CDPsychol

Produced by: Ayesha Khalil, Aleesha Ghafoor and Adeelah Ghafoor