Date: 20.06.24

Join Raheel Ahmad for Thursday’s show from 4-6pm where we will be discussing: “Gazan Refugees" and "Islamophobia"

Gazan Refugees
The latest conflict between Israel and Hamas has resulted in significant casualties and destruction. Given these dire circumstances, allowing Gazan refugees into the UK becomes a humanitarian duty, offering a lifeline to those escaping violence, destruction, and deprivation. Some people argue that Gazan refugees should not be allowed into the UK because they are led by Hamas, raising concerns about potential support for terrorism. Join us as we discuss the various opinions on this issue, examine British values of compassion, justice, and humanity, and the need to protect innocent individuals from injustice, regardless of their background.

Islamophobia Hate crimes have been a topic of concern in the UK for many years. However, after the rising tensions in the Middle East, it seems that Islamophobia and hate crimes against Muslims has been rapidly increasing. Join us today as we discuss the sudden surge of hate crimes and the impact its had on Muslim communities.

Kafia Abdurahman Omar- Policy and Advocacy Adviser at War Child
Rachel Power- Chief Executive of Patient Association Group

Genevieve Caston- Director of Resettlement, Asylum, and Integration at International

Dr Dawn Chatty- Emeritus Professor of Anthropology and Forced Migration and Oxford Department of International Development

Farah Afify- Research & Advocacy Coordinator at CAIR (The council on American-Islamic Relations)

John Esposito- Professor of Religion and International Affairs

Stephen H. Jones- Specialises in the study of Muslims in the UK and their treatment by British society and the state.

Laiba Mubashar, Kafia Ahmad and Munahil Nasir