DTS: 19-08-2021

Join Sheikh Sammar Ahmad and Raheel Ahmad for Thursday's show where we will be discussing: Humanitarianism / Muharram


Serving mankind is a core part of what it means to be Muslim. Join us this #WorldHumanitarianDay as we discuss our duty to serve others for the sake of God and identify some of the individuals and organisations who put others first.

Muharram: the great status of Hazrat Imam Hussain (ra)

Beloved grandson of Holy Prophet (saw) Hazrat Hussain (ra) was ruthlessly martyred at the battle of Karbala. Join us today as we unravel the background of Karbala and explore the great status of Hazrat Imam Hussain.

Guests include:

Bilal Waseem (Humanity first representative)

Bertrand Taithe (Professor History, Director of the University of Manchester’s Humanitarian and Conflict Response Institute)

Produced by: Adan Ahmed and Sofia Aamir