Join Saad Ahmed and Sharjeel Ahmad for Tuesday’s show from 4-6pm where we will be discussing: ‘Smart Phone and Nuclear War'

Smart Phones

Some MPs are calling for a ban on under 16s from owning smart phones. Whilst others say this takes the blame away from tech and media companies that should be doing more. Where do you stand? Should there be an approved age at which you can own a smart phone?

Nuclear War 

As global tensions intensify, fears of nuclear war are escalating. A Russian ally even deemed it "inevitable”. The government is also urging people to stockpile supplies like water, non-perishables and medical resources. Join us as we discuss global tensions that may cause a nuclear war, how this may be prevented, and what we should do to prepare for this worst-case scenario.


Fiona Hanna - (Clinical Director and Founder of Teenage Mental Health)

Waqar Malik - (ICT Professional)

Cody Lundin - (Surviving Instructor at Aboriginal Living Schools in Prescott, Arizona)

Carol Turner - (Vice chair of the Campaign of Nuclear Disarment)

Aisha Malik & Haniya Javaid