Join Safeer Zartasht Khan for Tuesday's show where we will be discussing: Work life/cleanliness

Work life: Future of work post Covid

The pandemic has shifted the world of working with employees now being a lot more flexible as to where they work from. Join us as we share insights on the different ways people are coping with the new 'normal'.

Cleanliness: Half of faith

The most important aspect of good hygiene is cleanliness. In accordance with the Islamic belief, the condition of the body affects the mind, physical cleanliness and is essential for spiritual well being. Join us as we discuss how maintaining outward cleanliness helps purify our souls to.

Guests include:

Kamil Zahid (Senior Project Manager at GSK)
Rizwan Hussain (Laboratory Technician in the NHS)
Yassir Khan
Dr Zahid Khan (Dentist)
Arun (Pharmacist)

Produced by: Sunya Athwal, Waheed Rafiq and Aneela Mirza