Join Safeer Zartasht & Rabeeb Mirza for Tuesday's show where we will be discussing: Coronavirus

Coronavirus: Impact on Economy

As the world grapples with Covid-19 it is not only public health at risk, but the global economy has taken a major hit too. From individuals to corporate conglomerates, every economic strata will be affected.

Join us LIVE from 4pm as we discuss the dramatic economic implications of the #coronavirus.

Guests include:

Tariq Jasarevic: (Spokesperson from World Health Organisation)

Chris Thoung: (Research Consultant and Economist at Cambridge Econometrics)

Michelle Chai: (British-Chinese Lifestyle Blogger)

Sumera Tariq: (Living in Italy and a academic pursuing History of Islam Ph.D)

Dr. Nayyar Ahmed: (Associate Professor of Microbiology at Pittsburg University)

Dr. Mishal Iftikhar: (General Practioner in the UK)

Dr. Kevin Pollock: (Programme Lead for MSc in Inection Prevention & Control at Inverness College)

Produced by; Sarah Malik