Join Safeer Zartasht Khan and Zakariya Sheikh for Tuesday's show where we will be discussing: Care Services: Rising number of children in care/ Housework: a happier and healthier you

Care Services: Rising number of children in care
According to the County Councils Network (CCN), the number of children in care in the UK could reach almost 100,000 by 2025 putting a huge pressure on child protection services. Join us as we discuss the rise in figures, why this has happened and what the government is doing to manage it.

Housework: a happier and healthier you
Though household chores seem to be boring and repetitive, some research has found that doing them has a positive impact on our health especially as we age. Join us as we discuss the effects of doing chores on physical and mental health.

Al Coates (Social Worker and former Foster Carer)
Jenn Rexroad (Executive Director at California Alliance of Caregivers)

Produced by:
Prevish Huma, Nadia Shamas, Farhana Khan, Kafi Zafar