Join Raheel Ahmad & Faheem Nasir for Thursday’s show from 4-6pm where we will be discussing “Teenage Obesity” and “Blockout 2024”

Teenage Obesity

Obesity represents today as one of the major health problems internationally and is seen in people of all ages but mostly in teenagers. About thirty-seven million children younger than 5 years old were overweight in 2022. Over 390 million children and adolescents categorised as overweight and 160 million who live with obesity were recorded in 2022 among the youth population aged 5–19 years. Join us as we discuss what causes obesity in a child or teen and how can it be treated in a teenager.

Blockout 2024

Religion teaches that no-one is perfect; the objective is to lead life spent in constant effort to improve. Yet modern culture puts celebrities on pedestals. Since the brutality on innocent Palestinians, and the longstanding information war spreading fake news, users of social media have launched a campaign to block such celebrities who endorse this war in one way or another. Does this mean that the age of blindly following celebrities is over?


Dr Nasreena Bulkees - Post-intern medical officer at Lady Ridgeway Hospital, Sri Lanka

Chris Rojek - Professor of Sociology at City University

Raaziya Sheron and Fezia Haq