Topic discuss: Marriage- What to look for in a life partner / Mental Health and Covid Rising Living Cost

Raheel Ahmad
Tahir Khalid

What should you look for in a life partner? What really matters in a marriage?

Mental Health- living with covid
The pandemic has resulted in unprecedented disruption to the fabric of society, our health service, and the economy. It has had a profound impact on our mental health. Join us as we discuss the impact and how to cope with living through multiple lockdowns, restrictions, and adjusting to a new way of life has had on people of different ages.

Farhad Rana (Missionary from the United States, currently serving for Darul Qada which is also known as Arbitration Council of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community In the United States

Denise Pope (Ph.D.- Senior lecturer at Stanford University Graduate School of Education, she specializes in student engagement. Co-founder Challenge Success, which partners with schools to help promote student well-being)

Dr. Monica Gandhi- Infectious Diseases doctor, Professor of Medicine, and Associate Chief in the Division of HIV, at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF). Her most recent research focuses on HIV treatment and prevention and how to mitigate the COVID-19 pandemic


Anam Mahmood
Farah Mirza