Join Rabeeb Mirza & Safeer Zartasht for Tuesday's show where we will be discussing: Social Isolation and Refugees

Social Isolation: A new challenge for parents

Amid a global pandemic, families are doing their part and self-isolating at home to prevent the spread of infection. While it’s best for our physical health to take this step, are we using this time wisely to strengthen our bond with our children? Or has social isolation become an excuse for the family to binge on screen time? Join us LIVE from 4pm as we discuss the impact of excessive digital use.

Refugees- Tensions in Greece

With the global pandemic Syrian refugees have been forced to return to Turkey, but have every intention to resume their journey to Europe via Greece in the future. ‬Join us LIVE from 5pm as we discuss the hate and abuse faced by refugees.‬

Produced by:
Sarah Malik, Dania Chaudhry and Attiya Haseeb