Join Sheikh Sammar and Qayyum Rashid for Thursday's show where we will be discussing: Coronavirus/Religion

Coronavirus- Search for a vaccine

With the #coronavirus pandemic raging, scientists across the globe are working hard to create a vaccine which will help overcome the coronavirus. Join us LIVE from as we discuss the importance of vaccines, safe trials and how they have revolutionised healthcare.

Religion: An outdated concept?

More than 50% of the UK’s population say they have no religion. With people citing religion as bounding them to outdated rules and concepts, we ask about the relevancy of religion in today’s age. Join us LIVE from 5pm as we discuss how religion is a roadmap to
happiness and success for all people of all time.

Guests include:

Imam Qamar Zafar

Dr Kate O'Brien ( Director of Immunization and Vaccine sector at the World Health Organisation)

Gerry Cohen (Religious studies teacher and on the Exec Committee of Barnet multi faith forum)

Katie Freeman ( Primary Vice Chair for NATRE )

Produced by: Nadia Shamas, Sunya Athwal and Tahira Daud