Join Safeer Zartasht and Rabeeb Mirza for Tuesday's show where we will be discussing: Afghanistan/ Education in War zones

Afghanistan: Rise of the taliban

With the US removing troops from Afghanistan will civilian rule collapse and the Taliban take over? Join us as we discuss the impact of Biden delivering on his promise to end the so-called forever wars.

Education in war zones

The coronavirus pandemic has increased our understanding of why education for children and young people is important. But what about those young people who face little or no education on a regular basis? Join us today as we discuss the effects of war on education.

Guests include:

Ayesha Naseem: (Final Year Student of History at Manchester Metropolitan University)

Rachel Bentley: (CEO and Co-founder of Children on the Edge)

Charles Lawley: (Head of Communications & Advocacy at Syria Relief)

Safa Nabizada: (Representative from Samir’s foundation)

Produced by:Ruhi Yaqub, Arub Anwar, Kafia Ahmad and Munahil Nasir