Join Imam Saad Ahmed and Imam Sharjeel Ahmad for Tuesday’s show from 4-6pm where we will be discussing: ‘Obesity’ and ‘Promised Messiah(as) Sympathy for Muslims’


New research suggests that obesity rates between 1990 and 2022 more than doubled in adults, and quadrupled in children and adolescents. Join us live as we discuss obesity and the severity of it on the worldwide population, discussing key facts and ways to tackle it.

Promised Messiah(as) Sympathy for Muslims

The Promised Messiah, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (ra) emphasised a broad and inclusive scope of sympathy, rejecting exclusivity and urging compassion for all of God's creation, regardless of religious or ethnic identity.

Guests include:

Jane DeVille-Almond (Independent Nurse Consultant and President of the British Obesity Society)

Professor Lora Heisler (Director of Research, Rowett Institute, University of Aberdeen)

Imam Zafir Malik 

Imam Adil Syed

Farhana Khan, Kafi Zafar and Farah Mirza.