Let Drive Time accompany you every weekday afternoon between 4-6 pm with LIVE discussions on the topics that matter.

Join Talib Man, Basil Munirand Tahir Khalid for Monday's show where we will be discussing: Male Suicide

Male Suicide: A silent epidemic?
How many people are aware of the UK’s epidemic of mental illness. Hardly a day goes by without a new statistic – or the repetition of the fact that suicide levels amongst men is now three times those for women.

Join us LIVE from 4-6pm as we discuss the highly neglected and fragile mental health of men.

Guests include:

Natalie Day(Suicide Prevention Advisor at PAPYRUS UK)

Joe Potter(Policy Manager at Samaritans)

Dr Sharon McDonnell(Managing Director of Suicide Bereavement UK and Honorary Research Fellow, University of Manchester)

Dr Adila Mahmood(Psychologist)

Dr Alexandra Pitman(Associate Professor in the UCL Division of Psychiatry and an Honorary Consultant Psychiatrist at Camden & Islington NHS Foundation Trust)

Dr Victor Schwartz (Chief Medical Officer at The Jed Foundation)

Produced by: Anam Mahmood