Topic discuss: University: Does entrance need to get tougher/ Racial Discrimination


Zakaria Sheikh
Safeer Khan

Does entrance need to get tougher

The government is set to consult on whether to toughen up university entrance requirements in an effort to push graduates into better paid jobs. With only 25%
paying back their student loan in full is this a way to reduce the burden on tax payers or is this unfair on young people?

Racial Discrimination

Recent events have starkly reflected the selective empathy society feels for those suffering and it is heavily influenced by the colour of the victim’s skin. Why is racial discrimination still such a problem and how can we eliminate it from all walks of life
Amaar Zafar (Prospective university student for September 2022)
Noshe Zafar (Graduated MSc Mechanical Engineering in 2019 and previously worked in government job center)
Jabeer Butt (Chief Executive of the Race Equality Foundation)
Dean Pymble (Campaign Manager for Wales at Show Racism the Red Card)


Farhana Khan,
Kafi Zafar,
Prevish Huma
Nadia Shamas