Join Safeer Zartasht Khan and Zakarrya Sheikh for Tuesday's show where we will be discussing: Alcohol and Depression / Peace - The Only Way Forward.
Alcohol and Depression
Prolonged lockdowns due to the pandemic has led to a rise in alcohol intake, which in turn has aggravated feelings of depression due to the isolation.

Join us as we discuss the hidden pandemic of depression caused by alcohol.

Peace - the only way forward
In order to make this world a better place for us and our future generations we must end wars and establish peace.

Join us as we discuss why Islam is the answer to world peace.

Guests include:

Junaid Khan: Alcohol Recovery Specialist

Dr Mohammed Alsaidi: Consultant Psychiatrist & Clinical Lead for Turning Point’s Drug & Alcohol Wellbeing Service

Simon Ellin: Representative The Recycling Association

Akram Ahmedi: Chairman of IAAAE at Ahmadiyya Muslim Association UK, also a chartered engineer.

Produced by:

Prevish Huma, Nadia Shamas
Sofia Irfan & Mashal Shakeel