Join Safeer Zartasht & Danish Khurram for Tuesday's show where we will be discussing: Child Refugees and War

Child Refugees: Denied Entry to the UK

Following the end of the transition period, child refugees will no longer be allowed to reunite with family members in the UK. What does this mean for minors who have travelled many treacherous miles in the hope to secure a better future for themselves?

Join us LIVE from 4pm as we discuss the rights of children and refugees.

War: human nature or politics?

We are told that man’s advance has been gained because he has been a fighting animal. Having inherited certain instincts, is war and conflict in our nature? Or are we beyond basic instinct and can work towards world peace?

Join us LIVE from 5pm as we ask how achievable world peace is in a world full of vested interests

Guests include:

Angela Cluck: (A represenatative from the Separated Child Foundation)

Shukrullah Ludin: (Advocate for Refugee and Human Rights. Founder of Labour Friends of Afghanistan)

Henry Compson: (Digital Communications and Fundraising Manager from Safe Passage)

Dr David Brenner: (Lecturer in International Relations at Goldsmiths, University of London)

Jonah Kennedy: (GCSE and A level History teacher at St Annes Catholic High School for Girls)

Produced by: Mashal Shakeel, Khawla Hadi and Lubna Ahmad