Join Sheikh Sharjeel and Dr. Tariq Bajwa for Wednesday's show where we will be discussing:Ramadan Mythbusters

Ramadan Mythbusters

Ramadan is a special and blessed month where Muslims around the world fast and increase their devotion to praying and the remembrance of Allah. Join us as we discuss cultural practices and misconceptions about Ramadan - separating myths from facts in the light of true Islamic teachings on how the holy month of Ramadan should be practiced.

Guests include:
Imam Raja Burhan (Missionary of the Ahmadiyya Muslim community and professor jamia ahmadiya UK)
Imam Zeeshan khalid (Imam of the Ahmadiyya Muslim community)
Imam Azam Akram Sahib (Imam for Pacific Northwest Region USA)
Usman Ahmad (Deputy Secretary of National outreach department UK)

Produced by: Naveeda Gondal