Join Sheikh Sammar, Mabroor Farrukh and Tahir Khalid for Thursday's show where we will be discussing: Stay Alert/Beauty

‘Stay Alert’: Primary kids on the loose!

Then nation’s schools will begin phase reopening in early June. However, questions are raised as to how teachers will safeguard themselves and manage social distancing in tight classroom spaces, as well as concerns from families worried about the virus coming home with the child.
Join us LIVE from 4pm as we discuss the concerns raised by teachers and parents against the need to get children back to school.

Beauty: In the Eye of the beholder?

The notion of beauty is one that has multiple facets. There is the natural beauty of the universe, there is the man-made beauty of built landscapes, the outer beauty of oneself that incites physical attraction and the inner beauty of one who possesses excellent moral qualities.
Join us LIVE from 4pm today as we discuss the notion of beauty in relation to Islam.

Guests Include:

Jan Dubiel (Independent Early Years Advisor and Consultant)

James Butler (Early Years Leader)

Rebecca Leek (Headteacher and the Director of Strategy for ASSET )

Dan Morrow (Chief Executive of a multi Academy)

Shuaib Khan (Secondary teacher of humanities)

Iffat Mirza (University student)

Produced by: Ghazala Marty, Maliha Shahzad and Sitwat Mirza