Join Sharjeel Sheikh, Daanish Khurram & Dr. Tariq Bajwa for Wednesday's show where we will be discussing: Kabul/Peace

Kabul: A city fighting terror

At least 24 people, including mothers, nurses and newborn babies were murdered in cold blood by militants who attacked a maternity hospital in Kabul last week. This cowardly and unjustifiable act of terrorism is yet another attack on the innocent people of Afghanistan.

Join us LIVE from 4pm as we discuss the #KabulAttack and the need for peace in the region.

Peace: The critical need for unity

World peace is something that all good leaders aim towards. However, with global tensions and the pandemic, world leaders seem to be more interested in proving their dominance and self worth over others.

Join us LIVE from 4-6pm as we look into the critical need for unity and unity and harmony if we ever want world peace.

Guests Include:

Basir Ahang (Poet, journalist & human rights activist in Afghanistan)

Michael Kugelman (Deputy director of the Asia Program)

Rebekah Maccow (Well-being coordinater for LinkHouse Home care & Nursing home)

Lela Patterson (Peer mentor at platform Whales- a charity that works on mental health)

Bridget Moix (US Executive Director Of the International Peace Direct charity)

Saima Irfan (A key worker & part of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community's Women Auxillary)

Produced by: Kafia Ahmad, Arub Anwar & Munahil Nasir