Topic discussing: Ibn Arabi/ Ibn Rushd

Imam Raza Ahmad
Dr Hasham Ahmad

Ibn Arabi:
Ibn Arabi is renowned as a man of extreme intelligence and wisdom and was the author of some pivotal philosophies, both in the Islamic world and extending beyond. Join us from 4-5pm on Thursday 18th November as we discuss some the life and works of this eminent scholar, and where exactly he stands in relation to the Promised Messiah (as) #PhilosophyDay

Ibn Rushd:
Ibn Rushd, or Averroes as he is known in the West, is perhaps one of the most eminent scholars of Islamic history. Much of what we know of Ancient Greek philosophy can be attributed to his
commentaries and analyses. Furthermore, his own views on rationality truly showed Islam as a religion that is completely
compatible with science.
Join us as we look at the life and times of the fascinating figure. #PhilosophyDay

Dr Mohammed Iqbal Please call around
Intro: Dr Iqbal takes a keen interest in Islamic history and is the presenter of Living History.
Bharatwaj Iyer
Intro: Bharatwaj Iyer is a PhD student at the Humanities and Social Sciences Department in the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, working on Heidegger. He is the organiser of the IRH (Interdisciplinary Research Hub) of the Ibn Arabi Society
Umar Nasser
Intro: Umar Nasser is a doctor training in psychiatry. He is Chair of Rational Religion, a platform that argues for the ecistence of God and the need for Islamic spirituality. Rational Religion is a platform under the department for outreach and public relations UK under the Ahmadiyya Community

Produced by: Iffat Mirza ,Bareera Ghaffar