Join Rabeeb Mirza & Raheel Ahmad for Tuesday's show where we will be discussing: Coronavirus and Mental Health

Coronavirus: falsely blaming Muslims for the spread
Islamophobic tweets and fake news stories are being spread, linking Muslim communities to local outbreaks of Covid-19.

Join us LIVE from 4pm as we discuss how Islam teaches obedience to law of the land, utmost in cleanliness and tells believers to take precautions to stop the spread of disease.

Mental Health: Stigmas and Misconceptions
Almost 9/10 people with mental health illness feel they face stigma and discrimination.

Join us LIVE from 4 pm as we discuss the many myths, negative attitudes and stereotypes about mental health and how we need to educate ourselves so we can support and not judge.

Guests include:

Ayesha Naseem : (A Muslim resident of Blackburn)

Imam Irfan Qureshi

Aliya Nasir: (Qualified Psychotherapist)

Hafeez Ahmad: (Retired Psychologist)

Produced by: Sitwat Mirza, Ruhi Yaqub and Arub Anwar