Let Drive Time accompany you every weekday afternoon between 4-6 pm with LIVE discussions on the topics that matter.

Join Sharjeel Sheikh, Danish Khurram & Dr. Tariq Bajwa for Wednesday's show where we will be discussing: Blood donors/ Final prophet

Blood Donors: Drops of life
A recent BBC report stated that the NHS has deemed the need for blood donation during the coronavirus epidemic as growing ever more urgent, especially since ‘donations were 15% lower than expected’ during March this year.

Join us LIVE from 4pm as we raise awareness of the need for blood donation in accordance with the Islamic viewpoint on helping the sick and those who are in need.

Final Prophet: A misunderstanding removed
The key difference between Ahmadi Muslims and other Muslims is the way in which the term 'Seal of Prophets' when referring to the Holy Prophet (pbuh) is understood. Ahmadis have accepted the awaited Promised Messiah, but can he be a Prophet?

Join us LIVE from 5pm as we explain how the Holy Prophet (pbuh) was the best of prophets, not the final prophet.

Guests include:

Abi Howse (Health Information Manager at Blood Cancer UK)
Rebecca Pritchard (Assistant Director of Engagement at blood cancer charity Anthony Nolan)
Anna Louise Bates (Founder of Believe Organ Donor Support Charity)

Produced by: Sitwat Mirza & Fezia Haq