Join Talib Mann and Sammar Sheikh for Thursday's show where we will be discussing: Lockdown/Helpful Heroes

Lockdown: Calorie overload?

In this time of anxiety and boredom, many of us are finding comfort in eating. It is essential we gain control over unhealthy food habits if
we want to maintain good health at times of a global pandemic.

Helpful heroes- Serving mankind during the pandemic

Amidst the global pandemic we have seen some of the best of humanity emerge, with volunteers rushing to help those in their local community, chefs cooking for the homeless, business owners giving health workers free access to their hotels and so much more. Join us LIVE from 5pm as we reflect on those who are showing community spirit at times of a world crisis.

Guests include:

Harriet Frew (MSc Nutrition, Dip E. Disorders)

Dr Julia Coakes (Consultant Clinical Psychologist, Insight Eating)

Dr Rachel Allen (Registered Nutritionist and Doctor of Public Health)

Faizah Jalal (Mother)

Produced by: Asma Ali, Rabeeta Khan and Hania Mubarik