Join Safeer Zartasht Khan and Rabeeb Mirza for Tuesday's show where we will be discussing: Positivity/Covid-19 Vaccine

Positivity- Getting through tough times
A year of being isolated has affected many, especially when it comes to mental health. Join us LIVE Tuesday 16th February between 4-5pm as we discuss simple steps on how to nurture our state of mind and how Islam guides us towards hope and positivity.

Covid-19 Vaccine: Fairly Shared With Poorer Nations?
News of successful vaccines against coronavirus brought hope for all. However first-world countries have been purchasing far more doses of the vaccine than needed leaving poorer countries without protection, therefore increasing the risk of further mutations in the virus. Join us LIVE from 5pm as we discuss and debate the morals and ethics of the decisions made by the leaders of the ‘free’ world.

Guests include:

Mr. Ezra Hewing: (Head of Mental Health Education at Suffolk Mind)

Michelle Thole: (Accredited Practitioner and Coach)

Jane Jennison: (Founder of Adopting Positivity Positive Psychology Practitioner)

Produced by: Sana Nadeem, Basma Ikram and Syeda Tahdia Hasan