Join Sheikh Sharjeel & Dr. Tariq Bajwafor Wednesday's show where we will be discussing: world wealth/ the need for justice

World wealth

In 2020, the world gained 5.2 million millionaires while 114 million people lost their jobs globally due to the pandemic. How are the rich still getting richer? Is there any way to correct the global wealth inequality? And what is the best economic system that ensures fairness and justice for all?

The need for justice

Despite being in a global pandemic, the world seems as disunited as ever.
Join us as we discuss the dire need for peace and justice.

Guests include:
Steve Keen (Australian economist and author)
Prof John Hearn (Economist ,author and university lecturer on programmes in economics, banking and finance)
Shaun Richards (Economist specialist in inflation and monetary economic)
Randall Holcombe (Professor of Economics at Florida State University)
Kenneth Rogoff ( Economist and Professor at Harvard University)

Produced by: Dr Basma Ikram, Sana Nadeem, Prevish Huma and Nadia Shamas