Join Safeer Zaftasht & Danish Khurram on Tuesday's show where we discussing: Education and Racism

Education: the key to ending extreme poverty
If all children left school with basic reading skills 171 million people could be lifted out of extreme poverty; that’s a 12% drop in the world total. It might sound simple, but education really is the key to ending poverty. Join us LIVE from 4pm as we discuss the importance of education for all.

Racism - What does religion say about it?
Monotheistic religion and racism are two powerful belief systems, but one at its core teachings is in line with the concept of justice and the other, diametrically opposed to it. Join us LIVE from 5pm as we discuss religion's answer to tackling racism in society.

Guests include:

Sofeena Lalani: (Director of Development and communications for United World Schools)

Susannah Hardyman: (Chief Executive Officer for ActionTutoring)

Professor Stephen Gorard: (Durham University Professor in the School of Education)

Waqar Ahmedi: (Head of Religious Studies at a secondary school in Birmingham)

Arif Ahmad: ( A Charity and community worker based in the Spen Valley and a member of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community)

Yousaf Aftab: (Humanity First Deputy Director and Vice Chairmen for the Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association)

Produced by: Arub Anwar, Ruhi Yaqub and Aqeela Shanzay Zafar.