Join Sharjeel Ahmad & Dr. Tariq Bajwa for Wednesday's show where we will be discussing:

Cognitive Revolution: Chance encounter or divine revelation?
Over 70,000 years ago, homosapiens catapulted themselves from simple minded survivors to now rulers of the Earth. But was it an accidental dominance or the completion of a puzzle in the grand scheme of God’s Creation?
Join us LIVE from 4-6pm as we explore the source of the cognitive revolution in humans that put us on top of the food chain.

Guests Include:

Dr. Tahir Nasser (Rational religion)

Professor Jeannette Littlemore (Linguistics Professor)

Manvir Singh (Evolutionary Anthropologist, Harvard University)

James Suzman (Anthropologist)

Imam Adeel Shah (Missionary Ahmadiya Muslim Community)

Produced by: Khawla Hadi and Mashal Shakeel