Join Safeer Zartasht Khan and Rabeeb Mirza for Tuesday's show where we will be discussing: Hijab/Islam

Hijab: A Woman’s Right

Non-Muslims think the hijab is a burden and restriction which has been imposed on women to deprive them from their freedom.

Join us LIVE from 4pm as we discuss the significance of the hijab in a Muslim Woman’s life.

Islam: religion or political pursuit?

The Archbishop of Athens recently described Islam as a mere political ideology.

Join us LIVE from 5pm as we discuss the origins of the religion of Islam and it’s purpose in this day and age.

Guests include:

Annum Islam: (Lawyer and national secretary of Information and outreach for Ahmadiyya Muslim Women Association in Norway)

Mahrukh Arif-Tayyeb: (French Muslim currently living in the UK)

Ifrah Hashmi: (Muslim woman from Belgium)

Produced by: Noor us Sabah, Dania Chaudhry and Attiya Haseeb