Join Faheem Nasir and Qamar Ahmad for Thursday’s show from 4-6pm where we will be discussing: ‘Beyond Capitalism: Mutual Economics' and ‘Why do we need Islam’

Beyond Capitalism: Mutual Economics
Must we just accept huge wealth inequalities because they are the natural by-product of capitalism? Is a profit- based economy the only growth and prosperity? These are some of the questions we would like to discuss on our show as we explore the subject of solidarity economics. Join us as we go on to consider the role of cooperative, mutuality and the collective good.

Why do we need Islam?
Islam has been around for a long time and many say that it’s outdated and needs updating. We will explore if that is true and look at whether Islam is still relevant today.

Andrea Fazio-Junior Assistant Professor at Tor Vergata University of Rome.

Dave Darby- Founder of

Isla McCulloch- Community Shares Standard Manager at Cooperatives UK

Nabeela Shah, Faheem Nasir and Imam Usman Ali