Join Faheem Nasir & Imam Qamar Zafar for Thursday’s show from 4-6pm where we will be discussing: ‘UN: Fit for purpose?' and 'Ramadan and the Holy Quran'

UN: fit for purpose?
To avoid future wars, the United Nations was set up after the collapse of the League of Nation. However, wars have continued to take place and have caused devastation, such as in Palestine. With the veto power in force, is the UN fit for purpose?

Ramadan and the Holy Quran
Allah, in the Holy Quran, elucidates the significance and esteemed status of the Quran, emphasizing the imperative of its implementation and providing guidance on how to do so effectively. The blessings inherent in the month of Ramadan are intricately intertwined with the Quran, establishing a profound connection between the two. Join us as we explore this captivating nexus between Ramadan and the Holy Quran.

Guests include:
Dr Abdullah Yusuf - Senior Lecturer in Politics and International RelationsUniversity of Dundee

Waseem Syed - Member of national executive committee of Ahmadiyya Muslim Association USA.

Fezia Haq and Durr-e-sameen Mirza