Join Sharjeel Sheikh & Dr. Tariq Bajwa for Wednesday's show where we will be discussing: Economies/Gambling

Economies: Impact of coronavirus

With incomes dropping, job uncertainty rising and companies going under, just how much damage will coronavirus cause to the economy?

Gambling: False hope

With sports on pause you would expect gambling to have fallen, but the lockdown has proved the opposite with the number of people gambling rising.

Guests include:

Syed Imtiaz Ahmed. (Advisor, Senior Partner of S I Ahmed & Co.)

Ben Chu (economics editor of The Independent)

Professor Siddharta Bandyopadhyay (Professor of Economics at Univerity of Birmingham)

Rizwanah Shams (Wedding Photographer that owns her own business.)

Danny Cheetham (Former gambler)

Nick Philipps (Recovering gambler)

Liz Karter (Therapist in gambling addiction)

Produced by: Mashal Shakeel & Anam Mahmood