
Join Aneeq Ur Rehman And Tariq Bajwa for Wednesday’s show from 4-6pm where we will be discussing “Hijab Removal” and “Ramadan: Increase your God Consciousness”

Hijab Removal
Is true solidarity achieved through the imposition of one's beliefs on others? The
suggestion to remove hijabs under the guise of showing solidarity during International
Women's Day raised critical concerns about respecting diverse perspectives and choices. Join us as we discuss why Muslim women
should not unveil themselves as an act of solidarity.

Ramadan: Increase your God Consciousness
One of the objectives of the month of Ramadan is to increase our relationship with
Almighty God. In Ramadan, the believers strive to elevate the standard of their virtues
and excel in their connection with God. Join us as we discuss the importance of elevating
standards of righteousness and increasing God consciousness in Ramadan.

Guests include
Barrister - In charge of Hijab Advocacy Initiative

Imam Raja Burhan Ahmad - Teacher serving Jamia Ahmadiyya UK

Anam Mahmood and Maria Ahmad Tooba