Topic: Integration: what does it actually mean?

What does it mean to integrate?
Arriving in a new country with the aim of setting up a livelihood for yourself and your family is rarely an easy road to travel, yet it is one that people take all the time.
Upon arriving to the new nation, along with other concerns of making a living, and enrolling children in schools, one big aspect is integrating. Learning a new language, accustoming oneself to another culture, and often in the process, neglecting your home culture, is all a part of the immigrants experience.
Resistance to immigrants often makes the process of integration much harder as immigrants are made to feel unwelcome despite their efforts to adapt.

Tahir Khalid
Caller Guest:
Richard Thickpenny
Duncan Wells,
Afsana Aramesh
Dr Laura Alexander

Producers: Faiza, Munahil Nasir and Kafia Ahmad