Join Rabeeb Mirza & Safeer Zaftasht for Tuesday's show where we will be discussing: Judging others and prayers.

Judging others: Defines you, not them

We will be discussing how judging someone is usually a reflection of our character and not theirs. Join us LIVE from 5 pm as we discuss the ways in which you can become more compassionate of others rather than judgemental.

Prayer- God always listens

Whilst Covid-19 may well be a completely novel and unique virus and has presented challenges of its own, the phenomena of natural calamities is certainly not new. Just a cursory glance into our not so distant past and news of earthquakes, storms, droughts and floods is almost a common occurrence. Although the nature of each of these calamities determines what course of action we adopt and how we respond – as is evident with the current pandemic – however, there is one particular response that is universal and consistent – prayer! Join us LIVE from 5-6pm where we will discuss how in dire times of need we seek God & prayer!

Guests include:

Dai Manuel: (Certified Lifestyle Mentor & Executive Performance coach)
Robyn Lebron: (Award winning author & Interfaith champion)
Ruby Ali: (Teacher of Religious Studies and volunteer for Faith and Belief Forum)
Dr Noureen Ahmad: (General Practitioner in Belgium)
Rabia Nasimi: (PhD Sociology student at Cambridge University)

Produced by: Hadiya Haseeb, Zile Huma, Maliha Shahzad and Ghazla Marty.