Join Sharjeel Ahmad and Dr. Tariq Bajwa on Wednesday's show where we will be discussing:

India- Rise of the far right
There has been a steady rise in right wing extremism reported in India. We are hearing of increasingly targeted attacks on Dalit and Muslim minorities living in the country. Join us as we explore the factors that has lead to the rise of extremism in India and look at what the future holds for India's minorities.

Faith - The future of religion
Young people are increasingly turning towards atheism. Studies have shown that in England only 1% of youth describe themselves as being part of the Church of England. Is religion still necessary in the 21st century or is it just an old superstition that science and reason have now replaced? Contrary to this, Islam is an eternal religion with teachings fit for all the ages. Join us as we discuss the place of religion, not only in today’s world but also as we analyse if it has a place in the future.

Guests Include:

Douglas J. Davies
(Professor in the Study of Religion at Durham University)
Andrew Crome
(Senior Lecturer in Early Modern History at Manchester Metropolitan University)
Pieter friedrich
(South Asian analyst)
Shahrukh Abid
(Imam Ahmadiyya Muslim Community )