Join Tahir Khalid & Basil Munir for Tuesday's show where we will be discussing: Cancel Culture and Family Life

Cancel culture: Does it restrict freedom of speech?

As more and more people find themselves in the crosshairs of "cancel culture", is freedom of speech under threat?

Join us LIVE from 4 pm as we discuss how we can practice our freedom of speech but also be considerate of our words. We will talk about where one draws the line between freedom of speech and hate speech?

Family Life: Parents as role models

Parents are a child’s first teachers and role models. Children are more affected by the actions of their parents than what they say. Join us LIVE from 5pm as we discuss how good parenting is a key to a child’s success and future.

Guests include:
Mr. Maurice Mcleod: (Writer, editor and social commentator)

Khalil Yousuf: (Lawyer and writer)

Produced by: Zile Huma, Hadiya Haseeeb and Amtul Noor Tayyaba