Join Arif Khan and Hasham Ahmad for Friday's show where we will be discussing:

Hijab / Happiness at Work

Hijab - A Muslim woman's right
"And say to the believing women [...] that they draw their head-coverings over their bosoms, and that they disclose not their beauty..." - Holy Quran (24:32) With the rise of Islamophobia, the number of people who criticise and discriminate against the Muslim woman‘s veil - the Hijab, has escalated. Selfproclaimed feminists are eager to free the woman from this "patriarchal symbol". Ironically, the only people who hardly ever get a say in this debate are Muslim women themselves. Join us as we discuss the purpose and philosophy behind the Hijab - which has been part of the woman’s identity long before Islam.

Happiness: how happy are you at work?

The pursuit of happiness is a universal goal. On average we will work for 50 years, so ensuring happiness at work is of utmost importance. Islam guides us to seek personal happiness through remembrance of Allah and striving for ‘qalb-e-saleem’ - a heart at peace. Join us as we discuss the link between happiness and success in your career and address how you can bring about a balance between fulfilling your duties at work whilst fulfilling your duties to Allah.

Guests Include:

Tazneem Anwar
Jazmin Hashmi
Qudzia Ahmed
Amina Atiq
Rizwanah Shams

Produced by: Faeza Syed, Bareera Ghaffar and Nyla Abid