Join Arif Rawahuddin and Qayyum Rashid on Monday's show where we will be discussing: Media & Family Life

Media - Islam through the public lens

Why is it when people use the word ‘extremism’ the first words that crops up in the media are Muslims or Islam? The answer is simple. Negative media coverage against Islam acts as a main instigator of negative perceptions. A recent research told us that out of 10,391 left and right leaning articles 59% about Muslims and Islam were negative. Join us as we ask; if Islam means “peace”, then why are so many acts of violence carried out in its name? Or is Islam just suffering from bad press?

Family Life - Living in harmony

Are we as individuals interested in self-reflection and patience, or are we becoming quick to justify our position regardless of disputes that can arise? The impact of such behaviour may be the reason behind 42% divorce rate in UK marriages. Join us as we discuss ways to maintain harmony in the house and make our homes a source of peace.

Guests Include:

Yousaf Aftab (Humanity First Deputy Director & Vice Chairman of Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association)

Harris Zafar (Speaker and Author of Demystifying)

Rizwan Khan (Imam of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community)

Maryum Samar (Journalist in Pakistan)

Sumera Tariq (Vice President of Ahmadiyya Muslim Association,Italy)

Produced by:

Aqeela Shanzay Zafar & Anam Mahmood