Join Sammar Ahmad and Hanif Khan for Friday's show where we will be discussing: Nuclear Weapons/Child Discipline

Nuclear Weapons: Is denuclearisation possible?

With more than 15,000 nuclear weapons in the world today, is denuclearisation really possible? Can we protect the world from weapons of mass destruction?

Join us to as we ask whether nuclear weapons can actually be deterrents for war or are they a just a threat to human life?

Child Discipline: Debate on Smacking

Scotland has become the first part of the UK to ban smacking. The country has introduced a law making it a criminal offence for parents and carers to use physical punishment against a child – should the rest of the UK do the same?

Join us as we discuss the Islamic teachings regarding how to treat children and alternative methods of discipline, in light of Quran, Hadith, teachings of the Promised Messiah (as) and his Caliphs (May Allah Be Pleased with them).

Guests Include:

Dr John Burroughs (Executive Director of the New York based Lawyers Committee on Nuclear Policy)

Ian Chamberlain (Press and Communications Officer for the campaign for Nuclear Disbarment)

Sophie Ahmed (Deputy Head Teacher, Educational Consultant, Writer and part of the Special educational needs committee and SEND core team)

Dr Sharif Ahmad Ashraf (Retired doctor and has previously worked for Humanity First)

Sarah Vero (Head of Communications for Action for Happiness Charity)

Adeel Shah (Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Missionary)

Produced by Dania Choudhry and Farzana Zafar Akbar