Join Tahir Khalid and Safeer Zartasht for Thursday's show where we will be discussing: Fast Fashion/Evil

Fast Fashion- Need or Want
Fast fashion has changed the way how clothes are made, used, and disposed of. Statistics show that in the UK, each person buys an estimated 26.7kg of clothing every year. Do we need that many clothes?

Join us LIVE from 4 pm as we discuss the environmental and social cost of fast fashion.

Evil: Are we born sinful?
Why was ‘evil’ created and is this our natural state, if doing good is not always the easiest option in life.

Join us LIVE from 5pm as we discuss the concept of evil in different faiths and how we are all born with a clean slate and shape our lives with our God-given free will.

Guests include:

Clare Hawkins ( Head of Religious Studies and Lecturer of Secondary RE at Reading University )

Imam Ibrahim Noonan ( Imam of Masjid Maryam, Founder of Galway Interfaith Alliance )

Lauren Bravo (Writer, Editor)

Sian Conway (Founder & Director, Ethical Hour Ltd)

Hannah Carter (Campaign Manager, Love Not Landfill)

Produced by: Asma Ali and Mashal Shakeel