Let Drive Time accompany you every weekday afternoon between 4-6 pm with LIVE discussions on the topics that matter.

Join Safeer Zartasht & Rabeeb Mirza for Tuesday's show where we will be discussing: Widows Day and Religion

Widows Day

Around the world, abuse of widows and their children is one of the most serious human rights violations of today with millions of widows having to endure extreme poverty, violence, homelessness, ill health and discrimination.

Join us LIVE from 5pm this #InternationalWidowsDay to raise greater awareness under an Islamic lens.

Religion-Is it necessary?

#WorldHumanismDay drew attention to the mindset that Humanists have in terms of moral codes, in that they should be shaped by human experiences and rational thinking. Does one need religion to be a good person?

Join us LIVE from 5pm as we ask if religion is still necessary in the modern age.

Guests include:

Adeel Shah: (Missionary of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Association)
Chris Kaleem Edwards: (Charity worker for Humanity First)

Produced by: Dania Choudhry, Attiyya Haseeb, Maha Khan and Nureen Bajwa