Let Drive Time accompany you every weekday afternoon between 4-6 pm with LIVE discussions on the topics that matter.

Join Safeer Zartasht & Rabeeb Mirza for Tuesday's show where we will be discussing: African Nations and Honor Killing

Join us LIVE from 4pm as we debunk some of the myths and misconceptions people all over the world have about Africa and celebrate its many achievements.

African Nations: Lagging behind?

How many people are aware that Africa has one of the fastest growing economies in the world? Or that it houses one of the oldest universities in the world?

Join us LIVE from 5pm as we once again say, there is no honour in honour killings.

Honour Killing: There is no honour in murder

Living in 2020 we would think barbaric and backward acts such as honour killings would be a thing of the past, but the recent murders of 14 year old Romina from Iran and 16 year old Rosmini from Indonesia say otherwise, sadly.

Guests include:

Professor Raymond (Ray) Bush: (Professor of African Studies and Development Politics at the University of Leeds.)
Dr. David Nyaluke: (Tanzanian scholar specialising in decolonialisation studies and Africa in international systems.)

Fowad Ahmed: (Chemistry teacher at Ahmadiyya College, Kano - Nigeria)

Naeema Ahmed Baidoo: (Advocate for Sustainable Energy development for Africa and a member of Pan African Ahmadiyya Muslim Association.)

Dr. Robert Ermers Analyst: (Author and independent advisor to the police and other organisations in the Netherlands)

Ahmed Kannado: (Vice president PAAMA UK and chairman of Africa Peace Symposium, external affairs secretary and spokesperson for AMA Scotland and father of 6)

Raj Thind: (Spokesperson from Black County Women's Aid)

Produced by: Nadia Shamas and Benasir Rafiq