Join Sharjeel Sheikh & Dr Tariq Bajwa on Wednesday's show where we discussing: NHS & Windrush/Marriage

NHS & Windrush: The debt we owe them
Immigration helps a nation progress and here in the UK, the NHS and Windrush generations are prime examples.
Join us LIVE from 4pm as we look into the rights and roles of immigrants in advancing a nation.

Marriage: Choosing a righteous partner
‘He it is Who has created you from a single soul, and made therefrom its mate, that he might find comfort in her…’ – Holy
Quran (7:190)
Join us LIVE from 5pm as we discuss the sanctity of marriage in Islam and how it keeps a society moral and chaste.

Guests include:

Sandi Phillips (Co-founder of the Windrush Nurses & Beyond foundation and current chair of Elthorne Pride)

Professor Laura Serrant OBE (A multi-award-winning Global diversity and Inclusive practice specialist, professional speaker, and experienced coach)

The Islamiclight (A blogger and mother of a toddler)

Myra Farooq( Wife and mother of 3)

Produced by: Nadia Shamas and Anam Mahmood.