Let Drive Time accompany you every weekday afternoon between 4-6 pm with LIVE discussions on the topics that matter.

Join Talib Manand Basil Munir for Monday's show where we will be discussing: SDGs

SDGs: A better future for all
In 2015, the United Nations Member States implemented the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which became a blueprint for peace for the present and the future.
Join us LIVE from 4-6pm for Part 1 of where we discuss the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which were created to help us achieve this agenda.

Guests include:

Simon Puleston Jones(Founder and CEO of 'Woken Up')

Liam Evans(Campaigns and Communications Officer at Turn to Us)

Sophie Noonan(Country Director of UK Hunger Project)

Maha Cheema(Student Affairs Secretary)

Nafeesa(Religious Education Secretary)

Marie Hounslow(Head of Fundraising and Communications at Renewable World)

Produced by: Kafia Ahmad, Arub Anwarand Munahil Nasir