Join Tahir Khalid and Talib Man for Monday's show where we will be discussing: Famine/ Holy Scritpures

Famine - A case of injustice
Famines are not due to a lack of food in the world, but caused by conflict, climate crisis and inequality.
In a world ridden by the pandemic, it becomes even more important for world leaders to unite and do all they can to stop multiple famines breaking out.

Holy Scriptures: Fit for the modern world?
Over a billion people globally do not identify themselves with any religion. In such a world, is there a need for Holy Scriptures?

Guests include:

Alexandra Rutishauser Perera (Head of Nutrition of Action Against Hunger UK)

Manda Lakhani (Trustee of The Hunger Project)

Imam Ibrahim Noonan (Imam of the Maryam Mosque, Galway, Ireland)

Produced by: Syeda Tahida Hasan and Fezia Haq.